February 22, 2011

Before and After!

In my group of ladies that get together once a month.... we have a non-card maker. She once told me that she just takes the cards we DO make and turns them into scrapbook pages. She couldn't make the last get together, so I took the liberty of changing the 2 cards into pages for her. So here are the BEFORE and the AFTER of what we did last Sunday.


original ( sorry I can't seem to rotate it )
page: the "Details" is the envelope, so you can store goodies!
this is the original. I try to do at least 1 actual page during my gatherings

Sale-a-Brate good times! Come On!!!!

da-da-da-da. da. da. da-da! WOO - HOO!!!

 Ya.... I know.....sorry. But I too have had that song stuck in my head for a while now, and I thought I'd share. Speaking of sharing ( enter segway....) here is a 2 pager I made of the kids making Grandma's Christmas present. No children were harmed in these photos, and lots of paint was eaten. TG for non-toxic!!! It's using the freebies from the SAB catty.....

- don't forget to take time for yourself.

cupcake.... you're sweet!

Got some new toys a while ago....... just couldn't find my camera!! ( shame on me ) but I found it.... hanging up on my wall..... next to the charger and the USB cord......ahem.....

Here's a little ditty using the big shot, and the new build a cupcake punch and coordinating stamp set!
- don't forget to take time for yourself.